The highest of all voice parts. The range shown here is a typical range but of course there are sopranos who are able to sing higher and lower than the range shown. This serves as a good gauge to tell if this is where your voice falls. Click here to see videos of examples across a variety of genres of the soprano voice.
The second highest of all voice parts. The range shown here is a typical range but of course there are mezzo sopranos who are able to sing higher and lower than the range shown. This serves as a good gauge to tell if this is where your voice falls. Click here to see videos of examples across a variety of genres of the mezzo soprano voice.
The lowest of the female voice types. The range shown here is a typical range but of course there are altos who are able to sing higher and lower than the range shown. This serves as a good gauge to tell if this is where your voice falls. Click here to see videos of examples across a variety of genres of the alto voice.
The highest of the male voice types. The range shown here is a typical range but of course there are tenors who are able to sing higher and lower than the range shown. This serves as a good gauge to tell if this is where your voice falls. Click here to see videos of examples across a variety of genres of the tenor voice.
Typically considered the middle of the male vocal range. The range shown here is a typical range but of course there are baritones who are able to sing higher and lower than the range shown. This serves as a good gauge to tell if this is where your voice falls. Click here to see videos of examples across a variety of genres of the baritone voice.
The lowest of all voice parts. The range shown here is a typical range but of course there are basses who are able to sing higher and lower than the range shown. This serves as a good gauge to tell if this is where your voice falls. Click here to see videos of examples across a variety of genres of the bass voice.
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